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You won’t catch us saying “no” to either, but Seoul’s obviously more than Korean BBQ and K-Pop. It’s a city that reveals its secrets slowly, yet you’ll never totally grasp it either because of its rapid changes and restless nature. It’s immensely old – with a history of over 2000 years of being settled by different kingdoms – but it’s also very new, with much of its infrastructure and architecture rebuilt in the 1950s after the Korean war. The only constant is change and that’s something you feel wherever and whenever you wander around South Korea’s capital.
From the Hondae district that buzzes with students, young creatives and indie culture, to the quiet Buam Dong area with its art galleries and coffee shops, Seoul is A LOT. With so much to take in, so much to do and so much to see, we figured it could be handy to compile a small list of recommendations by both locals and Edouard. However, just diving in and getting lost in the best possible way is highly recommended too.
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